September 17, 2011 - Saturday of the Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Readings

Why did Jesus want the people to “look but not see” and “hear but not understand”? It is not what we expect of him. Along with his constant exhortations to those he healed to not tell anyone, it seems that Jesus was trying to hide his ministry, as if he had to walk a fine line, publicly showing forth his works and teaching without becoming too popular. As it was, there was “a large crowd gathered, with people from one town after another journeying to Jesus.” Jesus did not come to earth primarily to make converts; he came to accomplish a task: offering his life on the Cross. If he had too many supporters, perhaps that would have been impossible.

God’s plan does not follow human wisdom. Jesus left the building up of the Church to the Apostles after his death and Resurrection. Is it unfair that Jesus would act this way? Perhaps we would not have crucified Jesus if only he had revealed himself more publicly. Perhaps Judas would not have betrayed Jesus if he had seemed more powerful and popular. Perhaps if God would always be more public with his teaching and miracles, even today, we would not have so much difficulty believing in him.

Is it God’s fault that we crucified him? Is it God’s fault that Judas betrayed him? Is it God’s fault that we fail to believe in him? No. What Jesus suffered, he suffered as an innocent man, beyond reproach. As surely as he could have called down more than twelve legions of angels to save him, he could have convinced more people to believe, but the responsibility for our crimes still falls on our shoulders.

God has given us sufficient reasons to believe in him: the sun rose this morning, did it not? We do not need more proof from God; we have sufficient proof of everything, but if we want more proof, there is a way to get it. There is no proof like the lives of the Saints. St. Francis is proof, and St. Therese is proof. Our Blessed Mother is proof. If we want more proof, we should become the proof like they did. If we want to see miracles, we should work miracles. If we are satisfied with a partially-lived life, we can live it, with television and games and every other useless toy. If we want more, all we need to do is become more.